Lip Enhancement Filler

Lip Enhancement with Derma Filler

Injectable Lip Enhancement utilizes precise placement of Dermal Fillers in specific areas of the lips and surrounding skin to augment, shape, or add volume to the lips while reducing adjacent wrinkles.

These fillers enhance the natural beauty of youthful lips and restore the plump, sensuous appearance lost with age in both men and women. Additionally, they bring balance and symmetry to uneven lips, fostering harmony between the lips and other facial features.

What You Need to Know

Individuals seeking Lip Fillers span all age groups. As we age, lips naturally thin, and tiny vertical lines may appear, along with the flattening of the graceful cupid’s bow of the upper lip. Additionally, the upper lip may lengthen and hang over the teeth.

Some individuals may have naturally thinner lips and desire a more defined cupid’s bow and increased lip volume to harmonize with the other features of their face.

Treatment Duration

30-40 minutes

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Pre-mixed with filler

Duration of Result

6 – 18 months

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